And Still Continuing Dakota's Eagle Scout Project!

We will have medals and prizes for the top 3 overall winners male and female. The rest of the times will be available 48 hours after the race is completed. We will also be having a raffle. Every runner will receive a raffle in their packet. And there will be raffle tickets available for purchase race day for $.50 each.

We will continue the tradition and give away a DOG TAG to every runner, walker, and child as they finish the race! We would also love to continue the tradition of running in honor of a fallen hero!

Last year's race was AWESOME, let's make this one SPECTACULAR!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Get Your Voucher Today at

THE KSL DEAL IS OVER!! We sold a lot of vouchers, so thanks to all those that purchased one!!

The KSL Deal is here!!!
Check out and save 50% off your registration fee! And join us at The race May 26th 2012 @ 10:00am at the George E. Wahlen VA home in Ogden

1 comment:

  1. The registration website is fixed now, so you can go ahead and enter T-shirt information!
